I have embarked on a noble (or maybe foolish?) quest to collect all my thoughts in the cloud. It’s messy. I mean REALLY messy—because, well, they’re _my_ thoughts. They tend to wander, much like [[Random Thoughts]].
## How to use
### 0. Anecdotes
This is where I collect snippets from books, random stories I heard or any personal experiences. Some might be insightful others might just leave you wondering why I even thought of writing them down. The beauty of anecdotes is when you tie them up to something useful and that's what I intend to do wit these. I will link them to my other notes.
### 1. Inbox (Fleeting Notes)
Everything in **1. Inbox (Fleeting Notes)** is unfinished, half-baked, or just random ideas I _might_ explore someday. Some might be _empty_, some _unfinished_, and some might make **zero sense to you** (or even to me). It's just my inbox. Most of these notes will either vanish into the void or evolve into Permanent Notes in my _Outbox_ (see below). More on [[Fleeting Notes]].
### 2. Outbox (Permanent Notes)
Everything in **2. Outbox** consists of [[Permanent Notes]]—fleeting thoughts that survived and matured into atomic ideas worth keeping. Think of them as my brain’s "processed files."
### 3. Articles
If you're looking for my more structured or “finished” thoughts, check out **3. Articles**—where ideas have been expanded, refined, and shaped into something more readable.
## These are just my notes nothing more
Anyway, feel free to browse, judge —whatever floats your boat. I DON’T CARE! Do what you want with this information.
That’s it from me—cheerio.